We use the word ‘partnership’ to distinguish membership of Christ’s church that is gathered at Salt (that includes all Christians) from a formal membership of our Incorporated Association. Partnership is required to vote on important matters in church life, to qualify for certain leadership roles, and to have any say in determining who to appoint as Senior Pastor.
Partnership requires a person to be over 18 years of age, to have attended Salt for at least three months, to be a Christian, to support the mission of the Association in working towards a healthy and growing church, and to participate in a Partnership Orientation Program.
In essence, being a partner means that you embrace Salt, as your church, and you intend to be engaged its mission to enable the health and growth of the Church as it prayerfully proclaims the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ, calling people to trust in the perfect saving work of Jesus and to humbly obey God’s Word, in the strength of God’s Spirit, to the glory of God in all things.
According to the Constitution partners have the responsibility to make important decisions in the life of Salt. These decisions will include electing Council Members, electing members of the Review Board, approving the budget, and approving a new Senior Pastor. These are vital decisions for our church, so it is important that such matters are determined by committed Christians who are devoted to Salt. Partnership is our way of declaring this.
You can apply for partnership by completing the Application Form below.