Giving at Salt is about much more than money, but it's not less than money. God has richly blessed us with gifts, abilities, resources, time, passions, and opportunities so as to serve him. He calls us to invest all that he gives us for his honour. So we serve with our gifts, open our homes, love our neighbours, contribute our finances, and pray that God will be at work. At Salt we want to see the gospel changing lives and so we are all called to give as well as get. 

Salt Church costs money. We pay for the hire of facilities. We support our pastor. We contribute to mission. We give to the needy. Please consider how you can use God's resources to further God's work. 


Our preferred method for giving at Salt is by bank transfer. The beauty of online giving is that even if you forget, the money still goes to support the people and ministries who are relying on it.

Bank Details

Account Name | Salt Community Church
BSB | 032 586
Account Number | 615 614

If you prefer to give by cash, you will find a box at the check in desk at church where money can be deposited. This money is counted weekly by authorised persons and deposited into the church account.